The month of May was certainly challenging. On certain days, it was in the low to mid-thirties centigrade, and then frost advisory for two or three days, depending on your area. Every evening after dinner, I brought all my planters and baskets into the garage to save them from dying from the below-zero temperature.
Follow this link to have access to the May newsletter, which highlights gardening options. Subscribers receive it mid-month. Today June 19th, they received June issue # 16. Spoiler alert, you won't want to miss out as it contains vital information about scams, fraud and abuse directed at seniors. https://27d5ec4b-fc8e-44e6-a907-25f50ca2dd59.usrfiles.com/ugd/27d5ec_24b96c0de5484598a995bc6e47a282d2.pdf